How To Spruce Up Your Lawn For Spring

The weather is warming up, flowers and leaves are starting to bud, and spring is finally here in Florida. This time of year is perfect for prepping your yard for the upcoming months of outdoor fun with family and friends. Whether you’re planning on hosting a backyard get-together or just lounging in the grass, giving your lawn a little extra love in the springtime can go a long way when it comes to enjoying your property during the warm months. To help you out, our lawn care experts here at Paul’s Pest have compiled a list of easy weekend projects to get your lawn looking its best! If you need help with the basics, check out our blog on lawn care tips for beginners.
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Lay Down Fresh Mulch
Adding fresh mulch to your yard has many benefits besides just making your lawn and plants pop. It also deters weeds, increases the number of beneficial microorganisms in your soil, helps keep soil temperatures normal, and maintains the moisture of your soil. Bark, leaves, and recycled rubber are all great mulch options.
Rake It Up
Get rid of the last remnants of seasons past and give spring a warm welcome by raking away leaves and other debris that have gathered over the fall and winter. This will encourage healthy growth in your lawn and prevent disease.
Get Out Your Pruners
Your trees and shrubs can be beautiful additions to your landscape, but when they’re scraggly and unkempt, they can detract from your property’s overall look. By trimming back the long limbs of your trees and shrubs, you can make your yard look tidy, all while encouraging new growth!
Start Composting
Composting is an easy way to make the most of the scraps you typically throw away. It works by layering carbon-rich materials like garden trimmings, wood chips, or paper products and nitrogen-rich materials like grass clippings, animal hair, and kitchen waste with layers of soil in between. Once you get a good pile going, you can use it as nutrient-rich soil in your garden!
Plant Flowers
Add some color to your yard and complement the beauty of your lawn by planting flowers, either in a bed or in planters. Some hard-to-kill flowers for beginners include sunflowers, zinnias, marigolds, and pansies.
Get a Beautiful Lawn the Easy Way
While most homeowners love the look and feel of a lush, green lawn, many don’t have the time to dedicate to sprucing it up themselves. If you want to get your lawn ready for a season full of backyard fun, it can be as simple as picking up the phone! Our lawn care experts here at Paul’s Pest use their knowledge and experience to help local homeowners in the Tallahassee area get the lawns of their dreams, without lifting a finger.